Monday, August 9, 2010

3 miles at the gym. I really wanted to do some abs and weights, so I cut this one short. I was going to run 6 miles to make up for not running yesterday. But, figured the weights are really important, too. Anyway, instead of running yesterday, I was all set to do a 9 mile bike ride. Instead, I got a major flat tire on my bike a mile and a half into it and had to walk back. Thank goodness Chris was with me. We strolled back weaving in and out of the neighborhoods and then we dropped our bikes off at the house and walked for another half hour or so. All Together, we were out for an hour and 10 minutes! Sooo surely that made up for the 30 minutes I was supposed to run.

Miles Run today: 3
Total Miles Run for 2010: 467

Saturday, August 7, 2010
This morning was beautiful. We woke up at 9:00 and I felt sooo refreshed and great after a relaxing Friday night at home. Chris went outside after we got up, came back in and said "You're doing your long run outside today." Sure enough, I went out and it was soooo gorgeous and perfect out I figured you know what, why not get it over with on Saturday and relax a little on Sunday? We didn't have any pressing plans, we were up early (for us) and all signs pointed to "yes". So at 10:15 I headed out for my long 90 minute run. I did my usual run to Alley Pond Park and then picked up the Brooklyn/Queens Parkway trail for a few miles. The last time I did a 90 minute run..I ran out this same way for 45 minutes, then turned around and came back, which was exactly what I planned to do today. But this time, when I got to the spot that I had turned around at last time, I still had another 10 minutes to go!! Did I run that much faster?? I certainly didn't feel like it. I felt really sluggish for the first 2 miles. So, I kept running another 10 minutes before I turned around. I had to stop and walk a few times during this run which kind of upset me, because usually I don't have to. I was having some stomach issues (perhaps from all the pizza I ate for dinner on Friday?), my knee was acting up as usual, and when I had to stop for a stop-light on the main road, I was sooo thankful. So, because of these stops...I decided to actually run 3 extra minutes to make up for some lost time. So today I ran for 93 minutes, or about 9 miles. In the last 3 minutes, I passed my old man friend who is out walking every day near me. I usually pass him on week day mornings, and he always gives me the thumbs up sign. Chris's mom thinks that he was a much heavier guy who had a heart attack a few years back and now walks every single day, no matter the weather, to stay fit. I saw him across the street when I was just about ready to give up. He smiled, gave me the thumbs up and shouted "You're looking great!! I'm serious!" and gosh darnit if that didn't keep me going for the last extra 3 minutes!!

Miles Run today: 9
Total Miles Run for 2010: 464

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