Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 9, 2010

I'mmmmmm baaaaccccckkk!!! Spring is coming and I am burrsting at the seams to run again., especially since I received my very own Garmin Forerunner for Christmas from my parents and I can't wait to try it out!
I was supposed to meet with my trainer today, but when I got to the gym I just wanted to RUN. So I did 3 miles on the treadmill and it felt really good. He's very flexible with my schedule so I'm going to meet with him again tomorrow. Even though I haven't been logging my miles on the blog here, I've done a teeny tiny bit of running over the past 2 months and am now at 21 miles for the year. (Which is peanuts considering I was at 136 miles by this time last year!!)

So here's my plan: Those half marathon training schedules I've done before are 12 week schedules. I'm now 11 weeks out from my wedding. So, I'm training for a half marathon again....except the Half Marathon..is my wedding. The only time I've stuck to a specific running plan was when I had this schedule in my calendar and stuck up on the fridge. If I did it before, I can do it again, and I'm really not going to be too hard on myself if I miss a run here or there, because it's not about beating a time or anything. My biggest concern is not keeping up with the weight lifting and ab work that I've been doing. Last time I trained, my endurance was great, but I lacked muscle because I didn't keep up with my weight lifting.

So here's to training for another Half Marathon! (only actually...not)

Miles Run today: 3
Total Miles Run for 2010: 21

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